Monday, July 12, 2010

Kitchen Fun!!! :)

My kitchen is tiny, but there are some things in it that I absolutely love! Thanks to my mom helping me deck out my first apartment, I got some really cute stuff!
"Here are a few of my favorite things!" (Sound of Music in the background):

-Glass Jar for my Flour
I just love how it looks...I don't know why.

-The thingy that holds and pours my Olive Oil
I don't know the technical name for it, but all I know is that when I use it I feel like I'm one of those Food Network Stars!

I found these at Walmart FYI!

This is my cupcake kitchen scrubby holder. One day I was surfing the web at my very stressful job and found this on pretty much had a heart attack because it was so darn cute and sent my mom a link of the page and wrote "I must have this!". So a week later on our girls day shopping trip, my mom got this for me at Pier 1! It makes me happy to look at this while I wash my dishes.
(I also have a matching cupcake cookie jar too!)

This is one of my favorite birthday presents from my mom (she knows how to make me look good!). It is the cutest and most unique measuring cups I have ever seen. They are from Anthropologie. I love their Kitchen Stuff!

You get 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup and 1 cup. They are so beautiful!

These are the cutest measuring spoons too! They are also from Anthropologie and my mom also got them for my birthday also! I haven't used them yet because they are too pretty to touch. But maybe I'll suck it up and use them tonight.

And last but not least....
This is my mini-print of Cuppie the Cupcake with his Hostess friend. I like looking at them while I'm cooking with my stove. My mom also got this for my birthday from Cakespy. I love her artwork. It is so cute and besides, who doesn't love pictures of desserts???

As you can pretty much see, my mom got me good stuff for my birthday! All of these cute little things make having a tiny kitchen not so bad!

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