Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last First Day of School!

Yesterday was the last first day of school I will ever have again! It wasn't anything special or exciting, just the same-old, same-old of orientation and reviewing the syllabus. That sort of thing. But what is exciting is that I'm 3 months and 11 days away from being done with nursing school and permanently back in Chester with my husband and baby Duke! I'm not counting or anything...

We will see what the semester brings with classes, clinicals and such. I have no idea of what to expect, but it should be challenging and interesting at the same time.

On Sunday I moved into my dorm and boy was it hot! Chester has had a temperature high of like 90 degrees once all summer which I have enjoyed a lot. So when I pulled into Billings on Sunday at 4 pm with a temperature of 96 degrees, you can imagine how steamy hot my dorm room was with it being on one of the top floors of the building. It was HOT! It's still hot.

I thought you would all be interested to see what my new kitchen looks like now....

I'm going through some serious cooking withdrawals. I made the mistake of going to Barnes and Noble yesterday so I could be in an air conditioned area (100 degrees out!) and started drooling and aching to cook when I was in the cookbook section. I especially want the Smitten Kitchen cookbook. Everything looked absolutely amazing! I almost started to lick the pictures in the book....almost.

Hopefully I will have a bunch of time this semester to drive up north to visit my pup and my man. Dusty's casseroles will only last him so long!

Just kidding. Sometimes he can cook better than I can!

Here's to hoping for a fast semester so I can get back in the kitchen again! I've got some recipes saved up from over the summer, so I can share those with all of you in the mean time. Plus I'll be cooking up a storm on the weekends I get to visit too :)

In the meantime, I have a question for you all and need some help....

What are some things I can make in my dorm-sized kitchen???


  1. I wish I could help, but I never lived in a dorm! Do you have a microwave or toaster oven? You could get one of those quesadilla/Panini maker.

  2. I remember that last quarter of school...it's the best feeling. Good luck!


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