It's official. Duke has taken over our bed and we are never getting it back.
You give them an inch and they take a mile.
After 15-30 minutes of licking, nibbling and maneuvering, Duke finally settles down for the night to sleep right smack dab in the middle of us. He then spreads his body and legs as far out as possible to take up half the bed. Between Duke and Dusty, I get a total of 5 inches of bed and absolutely no blankets! We are going to need to get a king bed ASAP! He is only 1/3 the size he is suppose to be and I can't imagine sharing a bed with Duke and Dusty when Duke becomes full grown. Yikes!
The pathetic thing is, I can't stand to make Duke move. Why is it that when your pet sleeps on your bed and it's uncomfortable for you, it's so hard to find the heart to make them move? I just can't do it!
After 4 hours of only have 5 inches of bed to sleep on because of Duke, I decided to get up early this morning and make some French Breakfast Puffs for the ladies in Dustys Administration office at the hospital. My mom got me the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker for Christmas and I still hadn't used it yet (I'm terrible, I know) and I was dying to give it a try. I thought this would be a fun way to break in the cake pop maker with a fun breakfast treat!

Just after making this French Breakfast Puffs (which were incredible and baked in 4 minutes!), I am currently obsessed with this cake pop maker! I prefer to make my actual cake pops the original way without the machine, but I would love to use it to make different flavored doughnut holes!
Growing up in Hamilton, the local IGA has the very best donuts ever! I think they are better than Crispy Cream Doughnuts and any other doughnuts I've ever had...and most people who have tried them think so too. They are so good, that by 10 am those babies are gone! It was always a special treat when we would go get doughnuts from IGA growing up and it's still really fun when I come home to visit to get up really early and get everyone some old fashion doughnuts. I love that with this cake pop maker if I get the hankering for some doughnuts I can now whip them up in no time!
Now I'm just trying to fight the urge to get the mini-doughnut maker with the Mini Donut book by the talented Jessica of The Novice Chef blog! I need help. STAT!
French Breakfast Puffs
{2 Dozen Puffs}
-1 cup Sugar, divided
-1/3 cup softened Butter
-1 Egg
-1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
-1-1/2 cup Flour
-1-1/2 tsp Baking Powder
-1/2 tsp Salt
-1/4 tsp Nutmeg
-1/2 cup Milk
-1/2 cup melted Butter
-1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
Plug in your cake pop maker and preheat so that the light glows when "ready".
Beat together the softened butter and 1/2 cup sugar until light and fluffy with a mixer/stand mixer over medium speed. Add in the egg and vanilla extract and beat to combine.
In a bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. While the mixer is going on medium speed, alternately blend in the flour mixture and 1/2 cup of milk in thirds, ending with the milk.
Place the doughnut batter in a pastry bag or ziploc bag with the corner clipped and fill each reservoir with approximately 1 tbsp of batter. Close the cake pop maker and bake for 4 minutes until the toothpick inserted comes out clean.
While the puffs are baking, combine 1/2 cup sugar with 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon in a bowl and stir to combine. Then in a loaf dish or large microwavable bowl, melt 1 stick of butter. Set aside.
Immediately after the puffs have baked, roll them in the melted butter and then roll them around in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Enjoy with a tall glass of milk!
Recipe Inspired & Adapted By: Babycakes Cake Pop Instruction Manual & Recipes
All opinions and views about the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker are my own. They don't even know I exist! I just love this cake pop maker so much I had to share!