My cousin Jeff just got married and the ladies in my family all met up in California for the wedding and a family reunion. Sorry men....estrogen only! The group included: me, my sister, my mom, grandma, aunt and cousin. We all thought it would be fun to spend 3 days at Disneyland and stay at the resort.
So what do I do? My mind automatically goes to food and tries to find a way to incorporate it into the trip.
I found this awesome treat from bakerella for
Mickey Mouse Cupcake Pops!
This is what you need:
-1 chocolate cake box and all the fixins to make it
-1 can of cream cheese frosting
-1 bag of chocolate candy melts
-1 bag of dark chocolate candy melts
-Lollipop sticks
-Styrofoam block
-Baggies to make them look pretty and individually wrap

After you bake the cake, let it cool completely and then crumble it into the bowl. Then add about 3/4 of the can of cream cheese frosting and mix it up good until it makes a weird spongy consistency. It feels really weird!!!! Make little balls out of the mixture that are about the size of a quarter and place them on a baking sheet and then let them solidify/harden up in the freezer for about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, with a rounded cookie cutter, cut the chocolate candy melts like so and make enough for 2 ears per pop and then melt the dark chocolate candy melts in the microwave.And yes...that is a bunny shaped cookie cutter, just in case you were wondering. Make sure there is enough chocolate to make it deep enough because you want to be able to dip the pop and cover it in one swift motion.
Next you want to take out 1 cake ball at a time so they stay firm and cold.....dip two ears in the melted chocolate and stick it on the ball. Then dip the very tippy top of the lollipop stick in the chocolate and stick it in the ball on the opposite end of the ears. This allows for the ball to be securely placed on the stick. Place on the styrofoam to harden up and solidify.
Once the pops are hardened and secured, dip them in the dark chocolate candy melts in a swift motion (like I mentioned before!). Let the excess drip off before placing them back on the styrofoam to dry.
These are yummy, but warning!!! The actual coating of the pop was difficult and I might have sworn and cursed at Mickey Mouse a couple of times as they broke and crumbled. (Sorry Walt Disney!)
But all in all, by the miracle of God, I was able to transport these little babies to California and share them with my family to celebrate our trip!
(Not these one's pictured above! The ones that actually turned out nice and somewhat resembled Mickey Mouse!)